Export WordPress Custom Fields to CSV or XML

Export WordPress Custom Fields to CSV or XML

To export WordPress custom fields to CSV/XML go to WP All Export › New Export and select the post type you'd like to export. WP All Export will automatically detect the custom fields from your posts. Drag and drop to select fields to export, arrange the spreadsheet columns, and more.

Select WordPress Custom Fields for Export

To select a field for export, click and drag them from the right and drop them on the left. Here we are exporting custom fields from the Yoast WordPress SEO plugin. The custom fields associated with your theme plugin may be different, but they will be automatically detected and accessible in Available Data › Custom Fields:

After dragging fields over, you can click them to access more options for each element. There you can change the column names, combine data from multiple fields, and more.

Confirm And Preview Your Export

You can click Preview to get an idea of how your export file will look. Click Continue to verify your export settings and then run your export by clicking Confirm & Run Export on the next page. This is how our Yoast export looks:

Understanding WordPress Custom Fields

Custom fields are extra information attached to the posts on your WordPress site. They're also known as metadata. Many pieces of data are stored as custom fields, like a product's price or a real estate property's address.

Standard WordPress custom fields are stored as a key/value pair. The key is essentially the name of that custom field. So for a real estate property, the custom field storing the street address might have a key of street_address with a value of 123 Main St. You can learn more about custom fields here: https://wordpress.org/support/article/custom-fields/

There are other types of custom fields as well. Some custom fields can store arrays or serialized information, where one key will have multiple values. Custom fields can also be created by plugins like Advanced Custom Fields (also known as ACF), Toolset Types, and more.

How To Export WordPress Comments to CSV or XML

How To Export WordPress Comments to CSV or XML

To export WordPress comments, go to WP All Export › New Export and select Comments. Then, drag and drop your comment data to set up your CSV/XML export file. All relevant comment data is automatically detected.

Export WordPress Comment Data

Comments data is split into four different categories in the Available Data section: Comment Data, Author Info, Parent, and Other.

Basic, commonly used comment data is accessible in Available Data › Comment Data.

ID: The comment ID, assigned by WordPressPost ID: The ID of the post where this comment was madeContent: The main content of the comment Approved: The comment's approval status, with 1 for approved and 0 for not approvedComment Date (Server Time): Date and time when the comment was made, using the timezone that your server is set toComment Date (GMT): Date and time when the comment was made, in GMT/UTC time

Export Comment Author Info

The Author Info section contains all of the information and metadata related to the author of each comment.

Author Name: The name specified by the user when they posted the comment, or the display name of the registered user account if they were logged in when the comment was madeAuthor Email: The email address specified by the user when they posted the comment, or the email address attached to the registered user account if they were logged in when the comment was madeAuthor URL: The URL of the author's websiteAuthor IP: The IP address of the entity that posted the commentAgent: Information describing the web browser used to post the commentUser ID: If the author is registered on your site, this would provide that user's ID (as assigned by WordPress), otherwise, 0 is returned.

WordPress Comment Replies and Parent Posts

The Parent section contains information related to the WordPress parent post where the comment was made, and, if applicable, the parent comment that this comment is a reply to.

Parent Post Slug: The slug of the parent post where the comment was madeParent Post Title: The title of the parent postParent Post ID: ID of the parent post, assigned by WordPressParent Comment ID: The comment ID of the parent that the exported comment is replying toParent Comment Date (Server Time): Date and time when the parent comment was made, using the timezone that your server is set toParent Comment Date (GMT): Date and time when the parent comment was made, in GMT/UTC time

Other Comment Data

The Other section contains automatically detected comment data added by plugins and themes. The Karma field, no longer in wide use, is also stored here.

WordPress Export Settings

WordPress Export Settings

To change the settings of an existing export, go to Manage Exports ›  Export Settings. You can change the filtering options, scheduling options, and settings related to the structure of the export file.

These settings can also be adjusted when creating a new export.

Filtering Options

Here you can change existing filters, or add new ones. Your export will apply the new filters when it runs again.

Read more about filtering options: https://www.wpallimport.com/documentation/export-data-filtering/

Scheduling Options

Export can be run automatically on a schedule in a few different ways.

Do Not Schedule: selected by default.Automatic Scheduling: select to use our Automatic Scheduling Service.Manual Scheduling: select to use cron jobs.

Advanced Options

The Advanced Options section contains various settings that control how files are exported and structured.

In each iteration, process X records: Exports are processed in batches. Each batch, or iteration, processes a certain number of records. If the iteration takes longer than your server's timeout setting, then the export will fail. Only export Posts once: Every time the export is run records that have been previously exported by this export will be ignored. Only new records will be exported.Only export Posts that have been modified since last export: Every time the export is run, records will only be included if they have been modified since the last time this export has been run.Include BOM in export file: The BOM, or byte order mark, is required by software like Excel in some cases when special non-English characters are included in the exported data. Create a new file each time export is run: When enabled, WP All Export will generate a new file every time that you re-run the export. The old files will not be removed, and the new file's name will include the time that the export was run.Split large exports into multiple files: Specify the maximum number of records to include in each file. Allow non-admins to run this export in Client Mode: Allow users with access to Client Mode to run this export and download the export file. Read more about Client Mode: https://www.wpallimport.com/documentation/how-to-let-clients-run-wordpress-exports/ Friendly Name: Rename the export, displaying a custom name on the Manage Exports page.

Filter Exported WordPress Data

Filter Exported WordPress Data

You can configure your filters in the Add Filtering Options section, available when creating and editing exports. If we wanted to export all of our WooCommerce products that cost less than $10, we would first Price as our element to filter by. Then for our rule we would select less than, with 10 for our value.

With these filters you can easily do things like export:

Every WooCommerce order over $100Users who have registered in the last weekAll of the green shirts in your WooCommerce storeEvery page created by a certain userAll of the posts written in 2014

Step 1: Select an Element

Select the element that you want to filter your exported records by. Available elements will change when you export different types of data. You can select any data associated with the records you are exporting, like:

DateTitlePriceOrder TotalAddressAuthorCategories and tagsCustom fieldsAny exportable data

Step 2: Add a Rule

Select which comparison rule you want to use with your filter. You can use any of the following rules, depending on what the selected element allows:

equalsdoesn't equalgreater thanequal to or greater thanless thanequal to or less thancontainsdoesn't containis emptyis not empty

Step 3: Enter a Value

Input the value to filter your data by. You should input values that follow the same format as the element selected in Step 1.

Some rules may not need a value, such as the is empty rule.

Once you're done, click Add Rule to apply your new filtering rule. You can add as many filtering rules as required. After that, only records matching your specified rules will be exported.

Adding Multiple Rules

You can add as many rules as you like. Use the AND or OR operators to specify how rules should interact with each other.

When your export runs again, WP All Export will rebuild your export file based on your filter rules.

Export ACF Text Fields to CSV or XML

Export ACF Text Fields to CSV or XML

WP All Export automatically detects the ACF fields in the posts you've chosen to export. Drag and drop fields from the Available Data › ACF section into the export editor on the left.

The following ACF text fields are available to be exported: Text, Text Area, Number, Range, Email, URL, and Password. Here's more on each field:

Text: Exports a string or static text. Text Area: Exports a longer string or static text.Number: Exports a numerical value. Range: Exports a numerical value within a range. Email: Exports an email address. URL: Exports an URL. Password: Exports a password.

Export ACF Taxonomy Field to CSV or XML

Export ACF Taxonomy Field to CSV or XML

Taxonomy fields added in ACF are automatically detected by WP All Export and added to the ACF section in Available Data.

Exports the name of the taxonomy terms selected in the ACF field. Multiple values are separated by a pipe ( | ) character.

Export ACF Repeater and Group Fields to CSV or XML

Export ACF Repeater and Group Fields to CSV or XML

ACF Repeater and ACF Group fields are automatically detected by WP All Export and added to the ACF section in Available Data.

Exporting ACF Repeater Fields

The ACF Repeater field allows content to be added as a set of subfields, like slides, team members, etc. Any ACF field can be included as the child of a repeater field. This field acts as a parent to a set of subfields that can be repeated again and again.

For example, this repeater field contains a number field and a text field:

During export, repeater fields add a column for each field that it contains. Following the previous example, this ACF repeater field would export:

A Repeater_number column that contains all repeated numbers separated by a pipe ( | ) character.A Repeater_text column that contains all repeated text strings separated by a pipe ( | ) character.

Here's what that ACF export file looks like:

Exporting ACF Group Fields

The ACF Group field acts as a parent, with grouped fields acting as child items. The parent group field does not contain any data but rather acts as a container for other fields. It is primarily used to organize the ACF user interface.

For example, this ACF group field contains a text field and an image field:

The ACF group field adds an export column for each field that it contains. Following the previous example, this ACF group field exports:

A Group_text column that contains the inserted text string.A Group_image column that contains the URL to the selected image.

Here's what that ACF export file looks like:

Export ACF Relational Fields to CSV or XML

Export ACF Relational Fields to CSV or XML

All available ACF relational fields are automatically detected by WP All Export and added to the ACF section in Available Data.

The following ACF relational fields are available for export: Link, Post Object, Page Link, Relationship, and User. Here's more on each field:

Link: This field allows to select or define a link (URL, title, target) via the WordPress link popup. Exports the link data separated in the fields Link_title, Link_url, and Link_target (if defined). Post Object: This field enables a drop-down list to select posts, pages, or custom post types. Exports the slug of the selected item.Page Link: Similar to the Post Object field, but also allows selecting archive pages. Exports the full URL to the selected item.Relationship: This field stores relationships between posts, pages, or custom post types. Exports the name of the selected items. User: This field allows the selection of a user account. Exports the email address associated with the selected user.

Multiples values exported within the same field are separated by a pipe ( | ) character.

Export ACF Picker Fields to CSV or XML

Export ACF Picker Fields to CSV or XML

WP All Export detects all ACF fields in the posts you're exporting. To customize your export file, drag fields from the Available Data › ACF section and drop them into the editor on the left.

The following ACF picker fields are available to be exported: Date Picker, Date Time Picker, Time Picker, and Color Picker. Here's more on each field, along with an example of what's exported:

Date Picker: Exports the date in the format d/m/Y, example: 07/05/2021.Date Time Picker: Exports the date and time in the format d/m/Y g:i a, example: 21/05/2021 7:06 am.Time Picker: Exports the time in the format g:i a, example: 3:03 am.Color Picker: Exports the color in its HEX color code, example: #8224e3.

Export ACF Media Fields to CSV or XML

Export ACF Media Fields to CSV or XML

ACF fields are automatically detected by WP All Export. To customize your export file, select fields from Available Data › ACF and drag and drop them into the export editor.

The following ACF media fields can be exported: Image, File, Wysiwyg Editor, oEmbed, and Gallery. Here's more information on each field:

Image: Exports the URL to the image. File: Exports the URL to the file. Wysiwyg Editor: Exports the text added to this editor field, exports as plain text.oEmbed: This field provides an interactive component for embedding videos, images, tweets, audio, and other content; it exports an URL to the embedded resource.Gallery: Exports the URLs to the images within the gallery field.

WP All Export treats all ACF media fields in the same way. Image fields export the URL to the image or file. Multiple images or files in a single field will be separated by the pipe ( | ) character.