Yoast WordPress SEO

Yoast WordPress SEO

In this tutorial you』ll learn how to import posts into WordPress along with their settings for the Yoast WordPress SEO plugin. WP All Import makes it easy to import into almost any plugin or theme.

You can complete this import manually, as described below, or you can use the Yoast Add-On for WP All Import: https://wordpress.org/plugins/yoast-seo-settings-xml-csv-import/

The settings for Yoast are stored in Custom Fields attached to every post. Watch the video tutorial below to see how easy it is to import these settings:

Just like importing other Custom Fields, you can manually enter the field name into WP All Import or you can choose to have WP All Import auto detect all of the Custom Fields attached to the post type you』re importing to. Remember, in order for WP All Import to detect these Custom Fields there must be at least one post on your site using them.

Yoast uses thirteen different Custom Fields to store settings for your posts. If you don』t import a value to a Custom Field then Yoast WordPress SEO will simply assign your post the default for that field.

NameCustom FieldValuesFocus Keyword_yoast_wpseo_focuskwText stringSEO Title_yoast_wpseo_titleText stringMeta Description_yoast_wpseo_metadescText stringMeta Robots Index_yoast_wpseo_meta-robots-noindexBlank for default, 1 for noindex, or 2 for indexMeta Robots Follow_yoast_wpseo_meta-robots-nofollowBlank for follow, 1 for nofollowMeta Robots Advanced_yoast_wpseo_meta-robots-advBlank for default, none, noodp, noydir, noimageindex, noarchive, or nosnippetInclude in Sitemap_yoast_wpseo_sitemap-includeBlank for auto, always, or neverSitemap Priority_yoast_wpseo_sitemap-prioBlank for auto, 1 to .1Canonical URL_yoast_wpseo_canonicalCanonical URL of post301 Redirect_yoast_wpseo_redirectURL to redirect post toFacebook Title_yoast_wpseo_opengraph-titleText stringFacebook Description_yoast_wpseo_opengraph-descriptionText stringFacebook Image_yoast_wpseo_opengraph-imageURL to imageTwitter Title_yoast_wpseo_twitter-titleText stringTwitter Description_yoast_wpseo_twitter-descriptionText string

Here』s an example of how your import template might look while importing Yoast WordPress SEO settings:

Yoast Custom Fields

Importing SEO data for Taxonomies

Yoast stores taxonomy SEO data via the Options API, so the Term Meta section won』t work – instead, you』ll need to use our add-on for Yoast: https://wordpress.org/plugins/yoast-seo-settings-xml-csv-import/. In the import settings, you』ll still use the term meta section to decide which fields to update. Here are all of the available taxonomy fields:

NameCustom FieldValuesFocus Keywordwpseo_focuskwText stringSEO Titlewpseo_titleText stringMeta Descriptionwpseo_descText stringMeta Robots Indexwpseo_noindexBlank for default, 1 for noindex, or 2 for indexInclude in Sitemapwpseo_sitemap_includeBlank for auto, always, or neverCanonical URLwpseo_canonicalCanonical URL of postFacebook Titlewpseo_opengraph-titleText stringFacebook Descriptionwpseo_opengraph-descriptionText stringFacebook Imagewpseo_opengraph-imageURL to imageTwitter Titlewpseo_twitter-titleText stringTwitter Descriptionwpseo_twitter-descriptionText stringTwitter Imagewpseo_twitter-imageURL to image


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