How to Let Clients Run WordPress Exports

How to Let Clients Run WordPress Exports

Client Mode in WP All Export allows admins to provide access to a limited, secure interface for selected user roles. Users with access to Client Mode can run exports and download export files for the exports made available to them.

By default, exports are only available to admins and are only available to non-admins when specifically added to Client Mode by an admin.

Enable Client Mode for Specific Exports

Client Mode can be enabled in Manage Exports › Export Settings.

It can also be enabled in All Export › Manage Exports from the Bulk Actions pulldown.

Enable Access to Client Mode

Go to the WordPress admin panel, then select All Export › Settings.Scroll down to Client Mode and select role select roles with access.

Giving a role access to Client Mode affects all user accounts with that role. They will have access to a limited part of WP All Export and will be able to run and download all exports that have been added to Client Mode.

What Clients See

For testing purposes, you can create an account for yourself and grant access to it. When going into WP All Export as a non-admin, users see a list of exports that you have given them access to.

This is how the Manage Exports page looks using Client Mode.

Client Mode and Security

Client Mode was built with security in mind. Users cannot edit any settings related to exports. They can only access exports that admins specifically allow. With exports they have access to, they can run exports, download the data, and nothing else.


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