Export Standard WordPress Post Data to CSV or XML

Export Standard WordPress Post Data to CSV or XML

All posts have a set of standard data, like title, content, publish date, etc. To export this data, create a new export with WP All Export and then drag and drop to set up your export file.

Standard Data Fields

ID: The post ID, a unique number given to every post in WordPress.Title: The title of the post.Content: The main post content.Excerpt: A summary of the post content.Date: The date the post was published, in y-m-d format.Post Type: The post type of the exported records.Permalink: The URL of the post.

Besides exporting standard post data, you can also export media, taxonomies, custom fields, and more. You can see those elements below on the right:

Other custom post types like WooCommerce products or real estate properties will have different types of data available for export. Plugins that add custom data to posts, like Yoast or ACF, are automatically added to Available Data.

Each post in your export is a row in your CSV. The fields you drag in are columns. You can click the Preview button to see what your export file looks like.

Preview to make sure your WordPress CSV/XML export is correctly configured.


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